Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why did Wilf Smith join the army? (ww1)

Wilf Smith joined the army,
there was many reasons why.

He saw the world pasing him by,
full of hate,
full of lies.

He saw the poster,
that promised peace.

"This may be my chance, my chance...
to help win the war."

His family was not rich and the pay,
was ok, with a shilling a day, if
you compare it to what he got now:
3 shillings a week.

He did not want his girl, agnes, to give him
a white feather.
The feather is cowardly,
The feather is seen and people stare
with disguist and dispair.
The feather means he cares not for his country.

Wilf Smith joined the army,
there was many reasons why.

Other men too,
joined in a rush like a sunami,
a sunami full of what the posters called "Noble men".
The men in the army are considered noble,
those who join for the right reason were,
those who joined for the wrong were ignoble.

Wilf Smith joined the army,
there was many reasons why...

Do you think he was noble,
to join, fight and die???